Ground beef, ground chicken, a touch of ground lamb, rice, spices & herbs. Way different then Greek stuffed grape leaves, once you have these you will never like others. Serve with plain yogurt, sour cream or a combination of both.
Tripe soup a.k.a. hangover curing soup. Beef bones and beef tripe (cow's stomach lining) are boiled for 12 hours then finished with egg yolks, sour cream and spices. Right before serving you add fresh garlic & vinegar. You love it, or you hate it. There is no in between.
Perfect for during lent, stuffed cabbage with rice, onions, carrots, mushrooms, fresh parsley and spices slow cooked in a light tomato broth. It is a 2 lb container, approximately 12 to 13 cabbage rolls.
Open flame roasted eggplant, oil, salt, black pepper, red roasted peppers, raw red onions mixed well with a touch of mayo. Makes for a perfect dip, serves well with pita chips, hearty bread or toast.